Case Studies

Pewsey vale school

Customer Name Site Location Duration of relationship
Pewsey vale school Wilcot Rd, Pewsey SN9 5EW Project
Sector Service Accreditation
Education Full Plantroom refurbishment OFTEC

Grey Man Engineering were appointed as the primary contractor for the extensive project of replacing the boilers and all associated plant equipment at Pewsey Vale School, including all pipework and BMS System, following a catastrophic flood. This endeavour was not without its challenges, particularly concerning the logistics of removing the internal oil tanks and relocating them outside. The complexity of this task required meticulous planning and execution to ensure the safety and functionality of the school’s heating system.

One of the significant logistical hurdles involved the safe extraction of the internal oil tanks, which have likely been compromised by the floodwaters and were now not compliant for fire regulations. This process necessitates specialised equipment and skilled personnel to prevent any environmental contamination or fire being started and spreading to the school. Once the tanks are successfully removed, they need to be relocated to an external site. This relocation is not merely a matter of placement but also involves ensuring that the new location complies with regulatory standards for environmental safety and accessibility.

In addition to relocating the oil tanks, Grey Man Engineering is also tasked with constructing a fire barrier to house the tanks in their new outdoor location. This fire barrier is crucial for mitigating any potential fire hazards, protecting both the school property and the surrounding community. The barrier must be designed to withstand various environmental conditions and provide an effective shield against potential ignition sources. Through strategic planning and innovative engineering solutions, Grey Man Engineering overcame these logistical challenges, ensuring a safer and more efficient heating system for Pewsey Vale School.

This project was completed over a 12-week period while the heating system was not required. The hot water system was maintained throughout the works by utilising an electrical immersion heater, and then carrying out a changeover to the new cylinder over a weekend.

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Bristol: 0117 961 6116